Fresh Eggs
This six-part 1 hour drama follows a couple's quest for "the good life" that goes wickedly awry. Penny and Wade crave a peaceful, picture-perfect existence so they make the move from the city to the small town of Alberton. After a fatal accident things begin to unravel for Penny and Wade, at first slowly then at an ever increasing speed and they find themselves face-to-face with some very bad eggs, who threaten not only their happiness, but their lives.
Episodes 1-6 Directed by Britta Hawkins, Gaysorn Thavat, Josh Frizzel
Shot on Arri Mini camera with Cooke S4i lenses
Starring John Rhys Davis,Danielle Cormack, Coen Holloway, Xana Tang , Claire Chitham, Paul Yates
Produced by Britta Hawkins
Executive Producers Nick Ward, Kim Harrop, Philippa Rennie
Produced By Warner Bros International